How to stay motivated at work

HOW TO STAY MOTIVATED - Banner (1).pngStaying motivated at work can be difficult. This article is going to discuss some tips on how to keep yourself motivated and productive.

Often distractions are unavoidable, whether that’s in the office or working from home. It is easier said than done to align your calendars with others so you are able to focus on your heaviest tasks when others around you are busy, or to say just book out a meeting room.

Timers are a massive helping hand when you are having to focus on more than one project at a time. This allows to dedicate a set amount of time to one project before working on the other without having to keep checking the time. Although some most people would advise not multitasking when overwhelmed, for some it's not an option.

Break down your tasks
It is completely normal to feel burnt out when you have X number of goals to achieve by a certain date. A good technique to break down tasks to make them more manageable is to set yourself a little task. By doing this you are not exceeding your own expectations and allowing yourself to only focus on completing one thing at a time.

Research is also work
Research is also progress, don’t be hard on yourself if you didn’t manage to write or complete X amount of work. Doing research on your project such as finding examples, inspiration, and structure is still progress. Although it does not feel like progress as it is not physical work that contributes to the content, having a full understanding of the project is imperative; therefore, any research which allows you to complete this project to your best ability is essential and necessary.